Our grant period opens yearly on September 1st and closes September 30th. | LEARN MORE

2021 Grant Recipients

2021 Grant Recipients

Rivers Police Service Cst. Dennis Rollins and Sgt. Lon Schwartz, received $2,000 for their Community Safe Space Project. Riverdale Golf & Country Club Janice Worth and Jeff Worth received funds on behalf of their group from RACF Director & Treasurer Rod...
2020 Grant Recipients

2020 Grant Recipients

Royal Canadian Legion Brandon #75 Legion Ladies Auxiliary The Royal Canadian Legion Branch #75 Legion Ladies Auxiliary received a grant of $2,984 to purchase a new commercial tap for the new stainless steel counter tops and paint the kitchen walls. Completed a grant...
Grants Awarded With Matching From Build 150

Grants Awarded With Matching From Build 150

Director Rod Veitch of the Rivers and Area Community Foundation presents Rivers Legion Ladies Auxiliary member Marguerite Lapka-Woytowich with a cheque for $1,000 and a matching Build 150 grant of $1,000 towards a new commercial refrigerator for the auxiliary kitchen....
Wahtopanah Shore Clean Up

Wahtopanah Shore Clean Up

Ross Lindberg, Mavis White, Jim Madder and Chic Lindberg present Ed MacKay a cheque for $1,000 from the Bill and Helen Sibbald Legacy Fund with a matching Build 150 grant of $1,000 towards their project of cleaning up the environment at the beach at Lake Wahtopanah at...
Inaugural Youth in Philanthropy Grants Presentation

Inaugural Youth in Philanthropy Grants Presentation

The inaugural “ Youth in Philanthropy Grants” were given out at Rivers Collegiate, by the students of newly formed Youth in Philanthropy Committee. This was a project started between the Thomas Sill Foundation and the Rivers and Area Community Foundation to engage...