Our grant period opens yearly on September 1st and closes September 30th. | LEARN MORE

Prairie Crocus Library Renovates with RACF Assistance

Prairie Crocus Library - street viewFor the past couple of years Prairie Crocus Library has been focused on basic interior improvements. Although a couple of major projects are needed within the building including painting and new flooring, we have come up with smaller projects that have been attainable with financial help from the Rivers and Area Community Foundation, our own fundraising efforts, and some donated funds.

Two benches with coat hooks were purchased for the entrance that we hope will encourage patrons to remove wet or dirty shoes before entering the library. A new book shelf was also purchased for this area that holds several books for sale by donation. A small change but definitely makes our entrance more welcoming.

From the RACF grant we received in 2015 window coverings were replaced within the building – the front entrance, the board room/craft room, the Children’s area, and upper level Archival room. The new coverings have been great, especially in the Children’s area which presents the space as cheerful and fun, the kids love it and so do we! Many patrons have had positive comments as well which is great to hear; again just a small change but what a difference it makes.

In 2016 we received a grant from the RACF used to improve the interior of the Board Room/craft room. This is the only private room within the library that is available for public use; realistically it is our “multi-purpose” room. We have been struggling with storage space after the conversion of the upper level storage room to the Archival Room in 2014, and the construction of the new main floor washroom using the space of two small storage rooms. We have been using a couple of open-shelved units to store craft items and such, but when the room is used for other purposes other than crafts, it really makes the room look messy and unorganized.

Prairie Crocus Regional Library signPresently our “multi-purpose” room serves as a space for preschool children to do crafts or special projects when they are incorporated with story time held every Friday. Prairie Crocus Library Board meetings are held here as well as other organizations who are in need of a meeting place. Arts West Travelling Gallery is displayed in this room annually, and fundraising events such as our annual Christmas bake sale are set up here.

Our plan for this room originally included two storage cabinets and a new desk area, but as funds did not allow we opted for plan B. In order to brighten up the room, old lattice pieces that hung from the ceiling were taken down and the walls painted a fresh new color. One large custom made storage unit with doors was installed at one end of the room which holds all the craft items once stored on the open shelves in the room.

We are very pleased with the renovations in this room and now can present this space as a clean, modernized and organized room for the public’s use as best as we can.




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